Rick Ross to become mCig’s ambassador

Rick Ross to become mCig’s ambassador

Rapper and controversial celebrity Rick Ross has been selected by electronic cigarette maker ‘MCig – Herbal Electronic cigarette’ as the company’s global brand ambassador. Unlike traditional e-cigarettes, the mCig was built for the consumption of a variety of plant materials as .... »

High School student prosecuted for an e-cig

High School student prosecuted for an e-cig

Electronic cigarettes are incredibly popular devices and they can deliver the same nicotine fix as their traditional tobacco counterparts but without any of the dangers of smoke, ash, tar and thousands of chemicals. However, all of the popularity comes at a price, since e-cigarettes are being ban .... »

The first vaping convention in Springfield, Massachusetts

The first vaping convention in Springfield, Massachusetts

You have probably heard a lot about electronic cigarettes in the past few years because these devices have become extremely popular among former smokers and the number of users is constantly growing. E-cigarettes are battery powered devices that heat up a nicotine mixture called e-liquid and tran .... »

Good news for the Reynolds - Lorillard merger

Good news for the Reynolds - Lorillard merger

Reynolds American Inc. has analyzed the acquisition of Lorillard Inc. for a few months with its attempts so far chocked off by numerous factors of which antitrust issues were the main barrier. However Imperial Tobacco Group made a recent move that could help the whole situation. Imperia .... »

Smoking ban in Russia comes into full effect

Smoking ban in Russia comes into full effect

Smokers are furious in Russia, as the new tobacco bans came into effect as of June 1, 2014. President Vladimir Putin signed the legislation, into law back in February 2013, and aims to reduce smoking among Russians by 15% by 2020, increase budget income by 1 trillion rubles ($29.6 billion), and r .... »

The quitbit, a possible alternative to e-cigarettes

The quitbit, a possible alternative to e-cigarettes

Boston-based company ‘Quitbit’ launched its ‘smart lighter’ for tobacco cigarette tracking and smoking cessation through a crowd funding campaign on Kickstarter. The ‘Quitbit’ team includes two former ‘Zeo’ employees and has the former Zeo co-founder and Ben Rubin as an advisor.Wh .... »

E-cigarettes and the media

E-cigarettes and the media

Electronic cigarettes are gaining more and more popularity and adults are extensively exposed to marketing through the media, but those messages reach diverse demographic groups in different ways, according to a survey by researchers at the University of Illinois at Chicago’s Institute for Heal .... »

Taxing e-cigarettes seems irrational

Taxing e-cigarettes seems irrational

The idealist legislators in the capital are at it again and they are coming up with more and more proposals to taxing e-cigarettes in the same way as traditional tobacco cigarettes. The whole idea endorsing the taxing of tobacco is pretty straight forward and beneficial: as the user smokes, he ge .... »