General ecigarette info

When is upgrading your e-cigarette necessary

When is upgrading your e-cigarette necessary

The electronic cigarette is one of the most popular device of these last few years and the major companies on the market compete to upgrading their models at least once a year and developing newer devices in order to satisfy their consumers’ desires. With so much going on every few months, vape .... »

Original vs knock-off on the electronic cigarette market

Original vs knock-off on the electronic cigarette market

The companies that cover the e-cigarette industry have been tremendous in the effort to continuously deliver new and innovative products onto the market. But something that has always posed a concern with all the major brands from the industry is the ongoing battle for supremacy between the origi .... »

Ecigs, your pets and the dangers involved

Ecigs, your pets and the dangers involved

The popularity of electronic cigarette increases constantly and more and more people make the switch from their perilous tobacco products to these state-of-the-art devices that deliver the same nicotine fix but without any of the smoke, tar and ash. Some of these people also have pets at home, an .... »

The electronic cigarette business is booming with 10 new brands each month

The electronic cigarette business is booming with 10 new brands each month

Electronic cigarettes are one of the hottest trends to have ever hit the market and with an ever-growing popularity, the industry expands at an astonishing rate. According to a new study from the University of California, San Diego published in ‘Tobacco Control’ journal, an average of 10 new .... »

Vaping and social media

Vaping and social media

The Internet has become part of our daily lives and it has shaped the way we view and understand the world and the events that surround us. It also has improved our lives in many ways and aspects and one particular area is advertising. If in the olden days, advertising was made through print publ .... »

Skepticism about e-cigarettes on the rise according to a new survey

Skepticism about e-cigarettes on the rise according to a new survey

Americans are undoubtedly more aware of electronic cigarettes, nicotine delivery systems that offer an alternative to traditional tobacco, than they were back in 2009 according to a national survey. However, the belief that ecigs are much safer than combustible smokes is starting to loose ground. .... »

Harsh regulations in Spain collapsed the e-cigarette market

Harsh regulations in Spain collapsed the e-cigarette market

Back in December of last year, Spanish authorities announced harsh anti-e-cigarette regulations that were focused primarily on banning the use of such devices in all public places. Now it looks like those regulations, along with some concentrated anti e-cigarette campaigns, have caused some about .... »

Introducing the South Beach Smoke Air Vaporizer

Introducing the South Beach Smoke Air Vaporizer

If you are browsing the net looking to make the switch from tobacco analogs to electronic cigarettes then you have probably heard a bit about South Beach Smoke. Since 2010, when it first hit the market, the brand has been increasingly popular, offering a wide variety of flavors and accessories, b .... »