Whatever happened to the inventor of E-Cig Hon Lik?

Whatever happened to the inventor of E-Cig Hon Lik?

In 2003 Chinese pharmacist Hon Lik took credit for inventing the first patented electronic cigarette. He was also the first to commercially manufacture the disposable e cig in 2004. Today the e-cigarette industry is worth $2 bi .... »

E-cigarette was confused with bomb

E-cigarette was confused with bomb

An electronic cigarette can cause a lot of confusion. Lots people don’t know what it is and confuse it with a tobacco cigarette. However, an incident in Great Britain took this to a whole other level. An e-cigarette was confused with bomb and alerted all troops. The thing that caused .... »

How does your body recover after quitting smoking?

How does your body recover after quitting smoking?

It takes a lot of effort to stop smoking tobacco cigarettes. Electronic cigarettes seem to be helpful to a lot of people. E-cigarettes offer you the chance to stop smoking tobacco without needed to quit nicotine cold turkey. However, if you’re able to replace tobacco cigarettes with electronic .... »

E-cigarette battery safety tips

E-cigarette battery safety tips

Heard the news about exploding e-cigarettes? Burning cartridges and overheating atomizers? Well these are accidents a vaper can avoid by taking proper care of their e-cigarette unit. The e-cigarette just like any device like laptops and cellphones when being careless may cause accidents. Here are .... »

Vapers opposed to proposal to ban e-cigarettes from public places

Vapers opposed to proposal to ban e-cigarettes from public places

A City Counsil in New York filled with vapers smoking their electronic cigarettes. It was a funny picture and nobody could do anything about it. At this moment the law doesn’t say anything yet about using e-cigarettes in public places so nobody could prevent the protestors form lighting up thei .... »

E-Cigarettes in Jails How it Helps Inmates

E-Cigarettes in Jails How it Helps Inmates

Smoking is prohibited in jails because of the potential risks like fire and second-hand smoke. The introduction of e-cigarettes, however, is slowly making jail officials reconsider that rule. To date, county jails in about seven states in America actually allow the sale of e-cigarettes to inmates .... »

All about Solar Chargers for E-cigarettes

All about Solar Chargers for E-cigarettes

For the individual who opts to vape his nicotine through this sleek-of-a barrel called e-cigarette, but is in a place with no electricity to charge the device, the solar usb charger is a handy product to keep your device functioning. This solution is ideal for e-cigarette users who like going out .... »

E-cigarettes in the workplace should it be allowed?

E-cigarettes in the workplace should it be allowed?

Use of E-cigarettes in the Workplace Sparks Controversy The latest news about e-cigarettes that have sparked another controversy is the sacking of an employee because he was caught using an e-cigarette while working. The company and his employer have no established policies on the use .... »