HohmWrecker G2

There’s nothing like a true, authentic box mod that looks great and is capable of hitting like an absolute monster so let’s take a closer look at the HohmWrecker G2. This outstanding piece of engineering was designed in the United States by a company called Hohmtech and it’s probably one of the most efficient mods on the market today. It is powered by the FSK chip, which was designed specifically for this device and it’s able to achieve 98.8% battery efficiency – so we’re talking about some really impressive specs.
The HohmWrecker G2 comes packed in a very chic looking, slide to open, cardboard box and inside you will find the mod itself and the user manual. There’s no micro-USB cable that comes with this powerhouse of a mod and if you look closely you won’t find any port either. You do have to take out the battery door to notice the small slot, but that’s solely intended for firmware upgrades and not for recharging.
The device feels incredibly solid and the material used for the outer shell is aluminum in combination with a high strength alloy. It’s designed to survive a 10 foot drop without any damage and the finish is pretty neat considering all the CNC symbol engravings. Everything from the buttons to the magnets holding the battery door in place have been designed from the best materials out there and with the newest technologies in order to achieve the maximum durability and performance.
The HohmWrecker G2 measures 105 x 59 x 24mm and it’s going to look nice with any 22-24mm rebuildable atomizer or tank on top of it. On the top side there’s the high quality 510 connector fitted with a spring loaded center pin and going down the main side we have the menu button, the fire button, the display, and the two adjustment buttons. It’s a bit bulky but it feels good in the hand and it’s the kind of mod that give you the impression it’s going to last for years and years.
It’s powered by two high drain 18650 batteries (connected in series) –we do recommend buying good quality cells – and it’s able to reach a maximum of 151 Watts. The chip however could handle a lot more power (260W) but the guys at Hohmtech decided to leave the wattage wars behind and to focus on consistency, efficiency and accuracy. You will need an external charger for the batteries but that’s always recommended when it comes to mods powered by more than a single 18650 cell.
We do recommend reading the manual before adjusting the watts, temperature control mode and temperature on the HohmWrecker G2 because it’s something a bit complicated at times. The mod can do Ni, Ti, and SS as well as temperature control in Kanthal and Nichrome. We’re not sure how they did it, but it does actually work with some of our tanks and the result is pretty impressive. There’s also an “XXX†mode in which essentially the device will read the material of your atomizer (and we’re talking about any type of material) and calculate the temperature accordingly.
Performance wise the HohmWrecker G2 is a very solid, hard hitting and durable USA made mod that’s built with plenty of attention to details and with the purpose of having a very reliable vaping companion for years. If you don’t mind the rectangular form factor and the bulkiness then it’s a great addition to any collection of top performing mods.