Brussels wants to regulate e-cigarettes like tobacco

Brussels wants to regulate e-cigarettes like tobacco

European officials want to regulate e-cigarettes like tobacco cigarettes. These could mean all electronic cigarettes currently on sale in Britain would be outlawed. Critics find this really disturbing. Electronic cigarettes are devised as a helpful tool to help people stop smoking tobacco cigarettes. Instead of promoting this tool, e-cigs are included in the same market as tobacco.

The European officials want to include e-cigarettes which taste like tobacco, have cartridges or produce levels of nicotine above 20 ml in the tobacco products directive. This means these electronic cigarettes will be banned from the market from 2017. What’s odd about regulating ecigarettes like tobacco is that e-cigarettes don’t contain any tobacco. A leaked report states e-cigarettes are tobacco-related and that’s why they should be regulated like tobacco products.

Martin Callanan from MEP states to The daily Mail that it would be crazy to go through with this proposal. “This product is and can be very valuable to people willing to stop smoking. Some have been trying for years, but can’t go through without tobacco cigarettes until they try e-cigarettes. We should help those people with electronic cigarettes, not making it more difficult for them to start and try electronic cigarettes. In fact, regulating ecigs like tobacco could cause needless deaths.”

The discussion about ecigarettes is ongoing the last year. Earlier the EU wanted to regulate them like medicines, but this was rejected this summer. The proposal was broadly supported by the council, but the EP didn’t agree. This new approach, regulating like tobacco, is a new discussion. Proponents are confident the regulation of electronic cigarettes as tobacco products could be adopted in the first months of 2014. It seems these rules are based on tobacco, an ingredient that’s not included in any e-cigarette. The nicotine added to the electronic cigarettes is not a part of discussion yet.

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