Ex-child star Corey Feldman rallies for e-cigarettes after the recent ban in LA
Corey Feldman E-cigarette smoker for the past four years is attempting to clean his body and lungs from the chemicals, tar and carcinogens accumulated during his time as a heavy tobacco smoker. These e-cigarette or ecigs are battery-powered devices that instead of burning tobacco are heating a nicotine based e-liquid through the help of an atomizer and delivering thick clouds of harmless but delicious vapor. But in the last few months, many of the States’ metropolises like New York, Chicago and Los Angeles have banned these products from public use, submitting them to the same rules and regulations as tobacco products. People are no longer allowed to puff on their e-cigarette inside bars, restaurants of even in parks or beaches. The only establishments spared were the few vape lounges and shops.
The actor, who made the switch to e-cigarettes as a January 1st resolution, is worried that the LA City Council acted very swiftly in prohibiting the day-to-day companion of tens of thousands of vapers living inside the city and wants the officials to reconsider. Feldman, who is now 42 years old, believes that if electronic cigarettes are regulated in the same way as tobacco products, people won't be able to benefit from them while trying to kick the habit.
In an interview to LA Weekly, the actor said that ‘The last 10 years of my smoking life I was trying to find a way to get out: Hypnotherapy, gum, patches, inhalants with nicotine. Nothing would work. My friend says, 'You have try this new brand, it feels like a real cigarette. The charge lasts all night.' ... I'm proud to say I have not had a hit of a regular cigarette yet.’
The American Cancer Society believes that in both combustible tobacco smoke and second hand smoke there are almost 4,000 chemicals. A Surgeon General's report from 2004 says that carcinogens found in tobacco smoke are in the same class as those "mixtures in tar, soot, broiled foods, automobile engine exhaust, and other materials generated by incomplete combustion." And even though the health effects of e-cigarettes are still debatable since there are no long-term studies, many of the experts agree that puffing on these devices is a lot less harmful than smoking on tobacco analogs.
Here is a part of the letter that Feldman wrote to the Los Angeles officials:
‘... I fear my fate may be the same as my former best friend, Corey Haim, who died of an enlarged heart, partly due to smoking three packs a day for the better part of his life. Another friend had a heart attack caused directly from ripping off a nicotine patch that wasn't working and lighting a cigarette. It was a nicotine overdose. It's the most horrible addiction. If you've never had to battle it, you may not know the struggles we go through.
E-cigs have helped thousands kick a nicotine habit that is far, far worse for their bodies, and studies suggest that they are effective at weaning people off nicotine and more effective than nicotine gum or patches.’
"It's not offensive," Feldman said in his interview "It doesn't harm anybody. There is no such thing as second-hand vapor."