What is Tobacco Vapor Electronic Cigarette Association (TVECA)?

New inventions or gadgets often become controversial especially when it claims to have an outstanding effect geared towards the betterment of humanity. A very good example of these are vaccines – people thought before that these were deadlier than actual diseases but are now accepted and even used to safeguard against illnesses.
The same thing is happening with electronic cigarettes. It is a rare occurrence that new technology can spark numerous debates from almost major industry – the media, the medical society and even up to the legislative body of the government.
The electronic cigarette, known as vape or e-cig, was introduced to the US market only a few years back and has gone through numerous regulations, prohibitions, taxes and even banns. Ignorance is the primary cause of these actions. How can one be fearful of what is good? It is because they lack information on what it truly is. This is the main problem of the e-cigarette industry – manufacturers and users alike. Healthcare professionals want it classified as tobacco smoking products and claim it doesn’t give any benefit at all to users. This has prompted the government to try and classify it so that it will be subject to corresponding laws and taxes.
And that’s the problem – how do you classify the e-cigarette? Pro-users say that e-cigarettes are not tobacco smoking products (they do not even contain tobacco).
The e-cigarette is simply a batter containing a cartridge with five main ingredients - propylene glycol, glycerol, nicotine, water and flavoring – that delivers a nicotine hit for its adult users. Users have claimed that it has helped them quit the bad habit of smoking tobacco cigarettes for good without going through horrifying withdrawal symptoms from nicotine.
It seems that the public, the medical society and the government are misinformed. This is why the TVECA was formed.
Tobacco Vapor Electronic Cigarette Association (TVECA)
The Tobacco Vapor Electronic Cigarette Association (TVECA) was founded in 2008 and was formerly known as the Electronic Cigarette Association. It was formed so that it will serve as the information hub for e-cigarettes. Media was looking for answers and the ECA wanted to supply the truth.
TVECA has been established to be the single resource for the facts, science and overall compliance of all TVECA members. TVECA also wants to make sure the e-cigarette manufacturers and suppliers comply with regulations imposed on e-cigarettes – from manufacturing, packaging, distributing, marketing, selling and even formulating new e-cigarette fluids (also known as vape juice).
Bottom line: The Tobacco Vapor Electronic Cigarette Association is the voice for all media and legislative requests for information on the electronic cigarette (e-cig).
TVECA’s Mission: Science. Compliance. Truth
Guided by what they know to be true, the TVECA’s mission is to be able to educate people on what e-cigarette is, what it does and what it can do to help people quit smoking tobacco cigarettes. They call it their mission to litigate bans against electronic cigarettes all over the world.
Science: They also have compiled all the studies about e-cigarettes in a comprehensive format in their web site. These links contain studies about e-cigarette findings. If one takes a look and takes time to read, they will know the truth about e-cigarettes.
Compliance: The e-cigarette is still awaiting regulation from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
Truth: The TVECA honors any law regulating e-cigarette that can vary per state but also fights for the prevailing of truth about e-cigarettes. For example, two e-cigarette importers and distributors, Smoking Everywhere, Inc. and Sottera, Inc., brought a lawsuit against the FDA and sought a preliminary injunction to prevent the FDA from regulating e-cigarettes as a drug delivery device and from stopping the importation of e-cigarettes into the U.S. while the case is ongoing. The e-cigarette distributors argued that because their products use nicotine derived from tobacco, e-cigarettes should be regulated as "tobacco products," subject to more limited restrictions that do not require pre-approval by the FDA. The United States District Court for the District of Columbia granted the preliminary injunction. This ruling was affirmed by the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit in December 2010.
TVECA and Membership
TVECA accepts member companies to promote and sure product quality, compliance with all existing legislations (local and national levels) and provide them with locations to business. It has outlined its membership agreement that includes but are not limited to: 1) making no medical claims regarding e-cigarettes and 2) ensuring product packaging doesn’t appeal to minors. It strived to have a united front to the rest of the world about the truth on e-cigarettes.
Contact TVECA
Direct Contact: 888-99-TVECA (88322)
TVECA USA 1005 Union Center Dr. Suite F, Alpharetta, GA 30004