Breathe Fresh

Price: 64.99
Breathe Fresh

As the market for electronic cigarettes keeps on developing and improving, more and more regular smokers turn their habit around, in favor of this inventive devices. Breathe Fresh Ecigs is a brand that puts emphasis on their products as a better alternative to analog cigarettes, one that costs a lot less. With Breathe Fresh you have the opportunity to choose from different types of starter kits, from simple to more complex ones, according to your needs and desires as a smoker. They offer a Basic Starter Kit at the amazing price of only $64.99. This consists of two rechargeable lithium batteries, a USB charger, an AC adapter and a pack of five cartridges.

Following the change trend, their electronic cigarette is a two-part device that contains a powerful battery and a cartomizer. These cartridges are designed to look exactly like the filter of traditional cigarettes. When the batteries are charged they are screwed onto them making the e-cig ready to be used. Breathe Fresh makes available a diversity of excellent flavors with their replacement cartomizers. Besides the Classic refills you can also try flavors like Tobacco, Apple, Menthol, Vanilla or Coffee. Another important aspect is that a cartridge will last you as long as 300 puffs, after that it requires a replacement. Additionally, if you cannot make up your mind whether to buy a kit or not, you should consider buying a disposable e-cig from Breathe Fresh, which will make your decision easier to take.

The electronic cigarette produced and sold by Breathe Fresh Ecigs are very convenient and easy to use. Unlike other such brands, the vapor volume is great and it doesn’t require to suck for more than a second in order to get a great throat hit. Also, they offer a lifetime warranty, and an additional 30-day money back guarantee, the latter finding its way in more and more e-cigarette brands offers. Breathe Fresh electronic cigarettes are of superior value and quality, and buying them can save you over $1500 every year. Not to mention, the incredible health benefits that using this product will bring. Your life can change and improve, as well as turning your ugly smoking habit into amazing vaping experiences with Breathe Fresh products. For every orders you place, shipping is free and you will receive the products right at your door. This e-cigarette brand deserves your attention as it provides fantastic vapor, uses rich flavors, and it is available for more than reasonable prices.

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