Halo Triton

If you have used electronic cigarettes for a while, I think you already know that there can’t be made any comparison between the ones that use the cartomizer system and the ones with a big tank that can be refilled. Why’s that? Mostly because of the fact that the tank can be refilled much easier, but what’s truly amazing is the quality and the unique taste of the vapors it produces. Halo Cigs are indeed a very reputable company, that’s why when I heard the fact that they will produce a premium ecigarette that uses their delightful e-liquid, I knew that I must test it.
The Halo Triton comes in a very nice black-satin box, and the e-cig itself comes in various colors, letting you chose the one that fits you the best. The Halo Triton Ecig we had for this review is named Midnight Blue, which looks truly classy, but I’m sure you’ll like the other ones too. I like the fact that it is packed in a hard case that protects it really well. Once you bring the electronic cigarette out you’ll see the 2ml tank, along with the 400mAh battery.
I know that these numbers won’t tell you much, but once you’ll use it for a while, you’ll understand that the Triton Starter Kit can be used once at least one day long without needing any recharge, and it also offers you the possibility of puffing much more than the regular cartomizer cigs. Anyway, while we tested it, we got around 400 puffs on a tank, which makes it a product nearly impossible to beat. If usually products have problems like flow variations, you must know that the Halo Triton Kit won’t disappoint you.
One thing that makes it awesome to be an owner of this kit is the fact that the entire cigarette is built from tiny-easy to replace parts, so if something stops working, you won’t pay for a new kit, but only for a replaceable item that will cost you around $5. Probably the most amazing feature is the way you can recharge the tank, just by unscrewing the top and pouring the e-liquid in the wide recharging orifice. You can see that they put a lot of work in designing it in a way that prevents dripping your precious flavored liquid, creating the ultimate electronic cigarette, a product you must have!